Designing this Year’s MOW Special – Survey #1 Results

It is the start of a new year (yippee!) which has got us thinking ahead to this summer’s Mill Open Weekend. If you’ve been following us for a while then you’ll know that our MOW always involves some scrumptious limited edition specials. Well this year we’re making you all honorary Mill Folk and inviting you to help us!

We’re inviting you to give us a hand whipping up those specials, lending a hand picking everything from selecting the blend to naming the shades. We created a survey to help guide you with the first two steps – selecting the blend and deciding the vibe of the colour palette.

The results are in, hurrah! So take a peek below to glimpse what you all chose.


The Fibre Blend

The first few questions were about selecting what fibre we should use to create this special. We invited you to pick three different bases to blend together. It’s a little teeny on the image above, apologies, but you can see that there was a pretty clear winner on all counts.

So we can now reveal that this year’s MOW special will be majority Corriedale—no surprise there as it’s a gorgeously soft and bouncy fibre. We reckon it’s well suited to pretty much anything you might fancy making in it! You then chose to blend the Corriedale with soft and lustrous Grey Exmoor Blueface and then accentuate the drape even more by adding a dash of Romney. Mmmh, sounds divine doesn’t it?

We will now run a few tests and blend up a few different batches before we decide upon the ideal percentage mix of these fibres. The finished range will be available in 4ply (400m per 100g) and fibre tops.


The Colour Palette

The second lot of questions were all about what feel you wanted the colour palette to have. And clearly you’re JAT fans, as flecked, heathered colours won by a country mile! So we’ll certainly make sure to make some complex, heathered shades for you all. You also opted to have tonal shades and a colour pop, so we’ll make sure each potential colour palette features both of these.

Dark and Moody shades just beat our Bright and Saturated ones, so we’ll no doubt do a range of both. And nice to see some folk wanting Wearable Neutrals too, so we’ll add a few of these in the mix also. Poor pastels, hehehe, that is certainly not what you are planning so we’ll bear it in mind when creating the shades!


Your Favourite Colours

And finally, we asked you which colours you enjoyed crafting with most and cor blimey there were some clear winners here too. Green juuuust pipped it over Turquoise/Teal, closely followed by blue. So we’ll make sure all the possible palettes contain these shades. Next up were Purple, Grey and Brown. Poor old Yellow was the least popular. A fair few of you selected Other and most folk seemed to want Terracotta, Apricot, Rust (versions of Orange) or Maroon, Oxblood, Wine (versions of Red) or Black. So we’ll create a few of these shades too.

Thanks so much to all of you for taking part, we can already tell this is going to be such a fab project. All of us Mill Folks are going to get busy blending up some twiddles. We need to finalise the exact blend of Corriedale, Grey Exmoor Blueface and white Romney and create oodles and oodles of colours for your discerning eyes. Then the next step is for all of you to select the colour palette!

Do subscribe to our newsletter if you’re not already, so you can help us pick our MOW specials, too. Voting on the next stage will be open for a week from Friday 24th January 2025 and we’ll publish the results on our blog shortly after.


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