Our YouTube Channel

We have a growing collection of videos on our YouTube channel, from mill tours to fascinating behind the scenes chats with some of our fellow fibre folks and oodles of info about our woolly wares.

Please do click here to take a peek.

Our JAT Vlogs

In these vlogs Sonja natters with the rest of the mill folk and takes you behind the scenes at the goings on at our mill. We often take you on a deep dive into particular yarn and tops ranges, showing you how they have been developed and talking you through the colour palette. We also, crucially, show off how a yarn and fibre will work up – always helpful! We also update you on different bits and bobs we’ve been up to and introduce you to some of our machines… We reckon it is perfect watching whilst you craft along, with a cuppa tea in hand, of course! We hope you will enjoy them. Do let us know if there is anything in particular you would like us to cover. Ta

In Conversation With…

These videos are all edited zoom conversations between ourselves and fellow woolly people whose work we find fascinating. It is just wonderful hearing perspectives of different aspects of the fibre industry and we’ve just loved picking their brains! These conversations began as part of our Mill Open Weekend, but we have enjoyed them so much that we are going to keep them going… so do let us know if there is anyone particular you would like us to sit down and have a natter with. All zoom conversations are free to attend and tickets for future events will be on our Eventbrite page. So please do take a look if you are interested in attending a live zoom with us and a guest.

Mill Tour

Our Mill Tours are an invaluable part of what we do – those venerable old machines love all the attention folk give them (we swear it makes them run better). So we’ve created a virtual Mill Tour video of John proudly running each machine and info on how each specific machine works. We hope you’ll find it useful having this extra insight into seeing how we create our yarn and fibre tops!